Sunday, January 01, 2006

The Tongariro Crossing, Part 3

The final highlights on our version of the Tongariro Crossing (that is, the version where you're ensconsed in fog on the second half) are the Emerald Lakes. These really are the crown jewels of the hike (ha ha!). The pictures say more than I can, though while brilliant here, the lakes were even more spectacular in person, set among the otherwise barren earth-tones of the lavabed and the ominous peasoup fog, and perched delicately over the deep valley below.

Getting to the Emerald Lakes is a bit tricky. After you reach the summit, you head down a slope that Julie accurately described as skiing without the skis. It is very steep, in about 3 inches of loose fine dirt and small stones, on a very narrow path, divergence from which would lead to a long tumble down a mountain side. The trick is keeping your footing in the snow-like dirt, and many people slipped, led by yours truly. Thankfully, I was leaning so far back (because of the steep incline) that it was a short distance to my palms and bum.

Bruised ego and backside notwithstanding, it was well worth it! It's a great place to stop for lunch. We found a nice spot, sheltered from what was becoming a freezing wind. We were the only ones around the smallest of the Lakes when we sat down, though that move was then copied by a large, rude group of people. Anyways, if you're ever here, plan on spending a day up there if you can.


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