Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Return from the beyond

It's been very quiet around here lately. Apologies for the slowdown...blogger adopted some new software that appears to be incompatible with my usual computer. So, here's a quick update:

  • Had a great winter break in the US. Among other things,
    • Dan suggested several fantastic blogpost ideas, all of which I've now forgotten
    • I got engaged to Julie
That's right, engaged! We're very excited. Now we just have to figure out how to live in the same hemisphere. Details forthcoming, as available.

No new New Zealand news for now. The new computer that allows me to type this very string of words happens to be in the US, where I'll be on sabbatical for the rest of '07. My sources, however, tell me that NZ is still intact, so, as we say down there, no worries.


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