Friday, April 21, 2006

The New Miss Manners: The US State Department

The US State department has given us expats (and Americans simply travelling abroad) a how-to guide for behaving properly when not at home. Apparently this administration has finally recognized that we have an international image problem. They seem to think this problem can be solved by US companies giving their employees headed oversees a handy guide featuring 16 etiquette tips!

Here's one way in which the Ugly American is described: "Surveys consistently show that Americans are viewed as arrogant, insensitive, over-materialistic and ignorant about local values." Given, though, that the Ugly American travelling abroad has been a problem for a long time, long before our current image problem, and yet we've still been generally respected around much of the world until lately, you'd think someone might wonder whether the Ugly American might not be a primary factor in our being particularly unwelcome on the international scene at present.

Karen Hughes, President Bush's former image-maker, is one of the leaders of this etiquette movement. She is, after all, State's head of public diplomacy. So I guess we shouldn't be surprised that no one there seems to be asking (publicly, anyway) whether the current administration's policies have anything to do with the image problem.

In case you're travelling abroad, here are some things you might keep in mind, according to State:

  1. "Save the lectures for your kids"
  2. "Speak lower and slower"
  3. "Your religion is your religion and not necessarily theirs"
  4. "If you talk politics, talk - don't argue. (Steer clear of arguments about American politics, even if someone is attacking US politicians or policies. Agree to disagree.)"
Here's a thought. If Americans don't already know (1-3), we've got bigger problems than image concerns. And if we've been forced into a situation where (4) is necessary, we've reached a sad state of affairs. The political arguments I've had with non-Americans over the years have been a rich source of education.

Okay, enough whingeing. Here's the upside: it would be nice if there were fewer clueless and rude US travellers abroad, and maybe this will make a difference.


At April 28, 2006 8:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not sure why, but when I made the font a little smaller and read this posting a little slower, I found it really profound-

Hope your are well-


At April 29, 2006 11:22 PM, Blogger Josh said...

Slower and lower, dude, slower and lower. Gotta love State.


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