Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Installation problems

I could say that I've had trouble getting started at the office. However, I'll instead say that the University ("The Uni" in the quaint NZ parlance) has had trouble installing me. Tons of computer problems, not set up for phones, etc. Lots of lost productivity, which is especially frustrating, since I need to cram to get ready for the unusual-for-me early starting date of the semester, July 4 (obviously, a day that in NZ is not Independence Day [they're still dependent, formally] nor is NZ anywhere near cousin Emily's wedding location in Oregon on that day, unfortunately). Hopefully my installation is smoothing out now, but if I'm absent from the blogosphere for awhile, that might be why. Either that, or I'm just slacking.

Doug P would love goodbye, and other cultural uniqueties

My friend in the US, Doug Portmore, doesn't like long goodbyes. He hates them, in fact--he likes to leave as quickly as possible. So he'd love New Zealand. As far as I can tell, the norm here is to just sort of get up and slink out of the room quietly, not really even saying goodbye, or maybe awkwardly saying it and then quickly moving on. Actually, I'm not yet sure if that's just true of many of the people I've met, or if it's a general cultural trait. Oddly, though, that's one that's stuck out the most.

That and, obviously, strange terms, like "tinnie," pronounced like I'd say "tennie," which is not a shoe but a beer in a can (I think that's an aussie term) and an illicit package. Or the pronunciation of "debut" as "day-boo." More importantly, I've been instructed to definitely not say the name of the philosopher I work most on, Kant, in the way that I normally would (as it's normally done in the States). Instead, I have to say it like the Brits (who are called POHMs here--Persons Of Her Majesty--not sure if that's an insult...apologies if it is). They say "Kant" the way I say "can't." Apparently if you say "Kant" the US way, it ends up sounding like the Kiwi way of saying...well, you can imagine the word yourself.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Things I like about NZ, part 1

Everyone calls everyone's girlfriend, boyfriend, etc. their "partner." (Maybe even spouses get that, too?) That term gets too infrequent usage in the US. It's the only relatively common term that doesn't presuppose gender or sexuality, or anything else for that matter. And while it might seem kind of unromantic, I like to think of it in the Bonnie and Clyde sense of "partner in crime," taking on the world, etc. So the connotation works for me.

Score 1 for the Kiwis. I haven't decided if I'll start posting under things I don't like about NZ. I'll definitely post things I find unique, though. Starting next time.

Friday, June 17, 2005

Rating the airlines

I've become increasingly dissatisfied with airlines, like most people. But Air New Zealand was fairly nice. In particular, they offer a lot more leg room in coach than airlines in the US. My feet were comfortably extended and my big toe barely crossed the imaginary plane where the back of the seat in front of me would continue down and make contact with the floor. Also, they have adjustable foot rests. Who doesn't like that?

Negatives: bad food, and I continued my perfect streak of never having flown an international flight where I got a personal, on-demand video system. In fact, the movies were so bad ("Be Cool," "Striped") that I did not watch any during the flight. And I'm a vidaholic. So sad.

Thursday, June 16, 2005


I've landed in Kiwiland. I'm now very, very far away from most of my family and friends, which is sad. But what good is the internet if not for keeping virtually in touch? (Okay, gambling, sports, and various other wicked endeavors, but keeping in touch too.) Since some want updates, I thought I'd do it via a blog, rather than by flooding folks' in-boxes with unsolicited rants about how things are going.

Of course, it did take a considerable amount of my powers of imagination to come up with the title for the blog, but that's how far I'm willing to go for this.

Hopefully I'll post regularly, but the jury's still out on that one.