Thursday, August 31, 2006

Programming Note

...we interrupt regularly scheduled programming on the East Cape Trip with an administrative note. Until now, every post has been on the main page of JIINZ, going all the way back to June '05. But, with all the pictures I've been posting, it was taking quite awhile to load that main page. So that left me with three less-than-perfect options:
  1. Have readers wait for longer-than-normal periods while JIINZ loads.
  2. Reduce the amount of pictures of New Zealand.
  3. Archive old posts on other pages.
I've gone with option #3. Option #1 makes JIINZ more irritating than it needs to be. Option #2 is just downright unacceptable--it goes against the whole purpose of the blog. So that leaves Option #3. If you're interested in older posts (planning a trip to NZ and interested in finding out what to do in the South Island? want to know some good restaurants in NZ? curious about NZ's lack of religion?), click on the monthly archives on your left. Don't be shy: Go ahead, click! It's easy.

I've set the limit of posts on the main page at (I think) 25 posts. Any feedback on the new format is welcome. I'd prefer to categorize the posts by content (pictures, travel, politics, cultural differences, etc.). But I only know how to do that on Typepad, which costs money. This is Blogger, which is free, and it isn't obvious to me how to set up such categories on this software (I've actually tried, and, clearly, failed!).


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