Saturday, August 05, 2006

Research, and some Wellington pictures

So not much is new 'round here these days. Lots and lotsa work. On that front, here's some good news: in all likelihood, I have a sabbatical coming next year! It still has to go through final vetting (I have to set up an itinerary, etc.), but it looks like a done deal. One of the many ways in which this job is excellent.

The "normal" (in the prescriptive sense) way of doing things in academia is to work a job for anywhere from 3-6 years, and then get research leave for about 6 months. Because so many of us have to work our way up and out of one-years these days, that often ends up translating into 9-12 years before you get a sabbatical. Which, of course, just means that you're further behind the privileged few who end up getting desirable tenure-track jobs from the get-go and are able to do it in 3-6 years, thereby getting a research jump on their peers and appearing more talented or hard-working than those peers.

Anyway, the nice thing about this job is that you get a sabbatical every 3 years. (Oxy was the same, as are many small, private schools; and many other schools give junior hires a sabbatical after 3 years, after which point it then goes to a larger number, such as every 6 years.) For various reasons, such as not wanting too many people on research leave after my 3rd year, I'm going early, after two years. So, just by coincidence, my situation down here means that I'll end up with a sabbatical after being in the profession for...6 years! Not too shabby.

And, for your viewing pleasure, some pictures of Wellington. The first two are taken from the top of the stairs that I head down when I go (gasp!) jogging along the harbour. Show up on that walkway on a warm-ish sunny day, and it will be teeming with people. The close-up is of the Rimutaka (sp?) mountains, which now have snow on them. The third picture is from sunrise at Lyall Bay, one of the few surf spots in town. I was up early that day and went to take some pictures of the South Island, and I got the sunrise as a bonus. Those South Isl. pictures will be coming soon. The last pic here is one teaser of what's to come on that front.

Don't forget: click on the pics for larger shots.


At August 05, 2006 2:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on the sabbatical, Josh!

And great pictures, as usual. I've wondered what you're using to take these great pics, and whether you do any post-capture work on them.

At August 05, 2006 3:59 PM, Blogger Josh said...

Thanks, Saul. Keeping my fingers crossed that no bureaucratic snafus get in the way of actually enjoying the sabbatical. The other trick will be if I go on the market, which is something I'm contemplating (though that's a secret right now, open only to those who stop by JIINZ). Anyway, I might have to figure out how to have the sabbatical and start a new job at the same time! That would be a neat trick.

Glad you like the pictures. I normally don't make any post-capture modifications (I think the one of my brother, dad, and I from Bandon Dunes had to be lightened a bit, but that's the only one that comes to mind). I like the camera very much: it's a Minolta Dimage S414. I don't think they make them anymore, but is where I got it, at a very good price. It's a bit large and clunky by today's standards of slimmed-down cameras, but you get some benefits in terms of 4x optical zoom (in addition to digi. zoom) and whatnot. And it seems to be taking fantastic pictures.


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