Friday, July 15, 2005

The Hill

So the University (or Uni, or Varsity) is up at the top of a big hill. There are many options for getting there, once you're downtown:

1) Take a bus.
2) Take a bus to the bottom of the hill, then just walk the hill.
3) Take a bus to a cable car, take the cable car up most of the hill, then walk the rest of the way.
4) Take a bus to a hotel elevator, which takes up you up the hill about halfway.
5) Walk.
6) Drive.

I've done everything except (4). But I pretty much have avoided (2) and (5). People here give me a hard time for that. So here's my justification: If I walk the hill, I get sweaty; I don't like being sweaty at work; so I don't like walking the hill. (That is, I don't walk up--I go down it very often.)

For the record, the hill is very steep. You don't actually climb the hill--you climb the stairs, hundreds of stairs. How steep is the hill? Well, the cable car tracks are 609 meters long, of which I probably go 450 meters, or 1,476 feet. Not that far, right? Yes, but it gains 119 meters in altitude in that span! That's 390 feet. The cable car has a 19.8% grade at it's steepest.

The closest analogy to this that I can think of is hiking Angels Landing Trail, for those of you who have been to Zion. It's great, but you don't really want to show up at work at the end of it.


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